The Compensation Guide with the James Beard Foundation


As most of us knew before the pandemic—and all of us have witnessed over the past two years—the vast majority of hospitality and food service workers have been poorly served by our industry’s baseline standards for compensation and benefits.

That’s why we’re thrilled to have contributed to the James Beard Foundation’s new guide—Open for Good: Compensation, Benefits and Growth—complete with real-world examples from business owners across the country. 

This free resource is thoughtfully compiled and chock-full of invaluable insights and resources. We encourage you to read it and share it with other operators, in hopes of sparking fresh ideas, conversation and meaningful solutions for the restaurant sector.

Article: The Compensation Guide with the James Beard Foundation


Open for Good:
Compensation, Benefits and Growth

Produced in partnership with The James Beard Foundation

Read the Full Guide



Disclaimer: The consolidated resources are here for your consideration. The information provided above is not legal advice. We recommend talking to your lawyer to ensure all state + federal compliance is maintained. If you do not have legal representation, we would be happy to connect you with legal counsel. We understand that circumstances are changing quickly and we are updating content as it is available.


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